
Autodesk backburner manager not opening
Autodesk backburner manager not opening

and The number of times a render node retries a task before suspending it. For information, see the application's Advanced Settings Dialog. This can override the server limit settings in some applications. and The maximum number of render nodes allocated for a job. Too high a value may cause an increased number of node timeouts because the jobs are sent faster than the nodes can handle them. Generally, the default value of four is adequate. This number depends on the processor speed of the Manager workstation, general job size, and overall network speed. The number of jobs the Manager sends out simultaneously. The default subnet mask used for the network. The port used by the Backburner Manager. In the section use the BackburnerAdministrators keyword to add users to the admin group.In the Terminal open for editing /opt/Autodesk/backburner/Network/wiretap.cfg.To edit permissions of a Backburner Web Monitor user account: The default user account backburner created during the installation of the Backburner Manager has administrator permissions. Users with administrator privileges can actively manage all jobs and render nodes, but those without can only monitor the status of jobs in the Backburner Web Monitor. To delete an account, as root in a terminal run htpasswd -D /private/etc/apache2/auth/th.The Backburner Web Monitor can now be accessed with the account information you have entered. Add the account by running the command: htpasswd /private/etc/apache2/auth/th.If not, copy /opt/Autodesk/backburner/WebMonitor/th Check if /private/etc/apache2/auth/th file is present.To create a Backburner Web Monitor user account: So it is necessary to create accounts on the web server with the same names. With Smoke if the user starts the application as user smoke, that user owns the jobs.

Autodesk backburner manager not opening password#

The password associated with this account is backburner. The default user account backburner is created during the installation of the Backburner Manager. The Backburner web server requires all users to provide a login name and password to access the Backburner Web Monitor. All Backburner Manager events are recorded in log files in /opt/Autodesk/backburner/Log. Start the Backburner Manager with: /opt/Autodesk/backburner/backburner stop.Save and close the edited backburner.xml file.Edit /opt/Autodesk/backburner/Network/backburner.xml and configure the Backburner Manager settings as desired.In the Terminal run /opt/Autodesk/backburner/backburner stop.Events are logged in /opt/Autodesk/backburner/Network/backburner.log. Start Backburner Manager: /etc/init.d/backburner start.The Backburner configuration file is at /opt/Autodesk/backburner/Network/backburner.xml.If starting Backburner Manager for the first time, configure the Manager before starting it. If it was not running previously, a “Failed” error message is displayed. The Backburner Manager service on the workstation is stopped, if it was running previously. Stop the Backburner Manager service: /etc/init.d/backburner stop.

Autodesk backburner manager not opening